The Benefits of Solo Dog Walks
Many of the dogs that I walk are confident adult dogs whose guardians have simply made a personal choice to have their dog walked on their own, rather than as part of a group walk. There are also many additional reasons why a dog can greatly benefit from regularly going on solo walks with an experienced dog walker.
As an experienced dog walker and canine behaviour practitioner I am able to read and assess your dog's body language to ensure your dog is enjoying the walking route, is comfortable with their surroundings and, if needed, make changes to ensure your dog feels secure and safe.

Improving Dog Confidence
Solo dog walks are great for building confidence in your dog or for teaching life skills such as safe and appropriate socialisation for young puppies or loose lead walking. A solo walk can also increase your dog's confidence if they are worried about the environment, other dogs or people as I am able to individually manage their walk environment, something which cannot easily be done if your dog is walked within a group setting.
A solo walk also allows your dog to choose their own route which gives me useful information about where they feel safe as I get to know your dog. This may change on different days, depending on the other dogs or people they meet and the environment generally. Solo walks also give your dog the opportunity to sniff to their hearts content and to set their own pace. This is essential if your dog is older or has mobility issues such as arthritis.

Understanding Your Dog's Behaviour
During the solo dog walking session, I will utilise the many skills, knowledge and techniques I have learnt through the APDT Dog Training courses and ISCP Canine Behaviour Diploma I have completed. These mean I am able to work as both a Trainer and Canine Behaviour Practitioner to help you and your dog with positive guidance, support, training and behavioural problems.
By applying these skills, I can support your dog with issues around lead walking, general worries around people or other dogs or their general arousal around wildlife and other situations. At the end of each walk I will provide you with a WhatsApp message containing a summary of the walk, together with videos and photos or your dog's adventure.